
Titel Autor Quelle
Qigong for the Mental Health of Teachers – A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Goncalves M, Oliveira R, Rodrigues J, Ventura C, Machado J, Greten HJ
Can Qigong Be a Tool to Assist Students in Handling COVID-19’s Resulting Academic Stress? Goncalves M, Duarte L, Rodrigues J, Greten HJ, Machado J
Qigong in Perceptual Auditory Attention: Tool to Improve Sound Integration in Autism Spectrum Disorders Lopes L, Matos LC, Gonçalves M, Ramos B, Santos MJ, Machado J, Greten HJ Adv Mid Body Med 2022; 36(3): 4-11, PMID: 36308504
Qigong for the Emotional Exhaustion in Nurses: Implications of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Seiça A, Gonçalves M, Magalhães J, Machado J, Rodrigues J, Greten HJ Altern Ther Health Med 2022, PMID 35951067
Problems of Scientific Methodology Related to Placebo Control in Qigong Studies: A Systematic Review Goncalves M, Matos LC, Duarte L, Machado J, Greten HJ, Franconi G
Can Qigong improve attention in adolescents? A prospective randomised controlled trial Duarte L, Gonçalves M, Mendes P, Matos LC, Greten HJ, Machado J
Potential effects of medical Qigong in major depressive disorder: study protocol based on clinical cases Ponte S, Santos MJ, Paiva C, Laranjeira M, Gonçalves M, Ramos B, Machado J, Greten HJ Experimental Pathology and Health Sciences 2016; 8(2): 41-46
Efficacy of Qigong on depression: From a systematic literature review to the proposal of a study protocol Pereira P, Santos MJ, Laranjeira M, Gonçalves M, Greten HJ, Machado J Experimental Pathology and Health Sciences 2016; 8(2): 35-40
The effect of Qigong in natural killer cells in colo-rectal cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy Costa S, Pais I, Araújo A, Gonçalves M, Santos MJ, Greten HJ, Machado J Experimental Pathology and Health Sciences 2016; 8(2): 47-54
The effect of Qigong on Attention: Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Clinical Case Report Correia MC, Greten HJ, Machado J, Gonçalves M Experimental Pathology and Health Sciences 2016; 8(2): 29-34
Qigong as a Traditional Vegetative Biofeedback Therapy: Long-Term Conditioning of Physiological Mind-Body Effects Matos LC, Sousa CM, Goncalves M, Gabriel J, Machado J, Greten HJ
Qigong Therapy in Physiotherapists in Burnout – A Preliminary Study Saganha JP, Doenitz CA, Greten T, Efferth T, Greten HJ JCIM 2012; 10(11): 1233-9
Effects of Qigong on performance-related anxiety and physiological stress functions in music schoolchildren Sousa CM, Gonçalves M, Machado J, Efferth T, Greten T, Froeschen P, Greten HJ JCIM 2012; 10(8):858-65
Assessment of Qigong-Related effects by Infrared Thermography: A Case Study Matos LC, Gonçalves M, Machado J, Greten HJ JCIM 2012; 10(6):663-666